• Paul's Weight Loss Success
  • Paul's Weight Loss Success

Individual was remunerated. Typical users lost 5 pounds over 8 weeks. See below for more information.

Paul D. / Age 49 Lost 20.5 Lbs in 8 weeks!

“The last time I was this energetic and thin
was high school!”

I didn’t want to hit 50 feeling tired and old. I wanted to feel good, like I was moving ahead. Before Slimvance®, I thought there was nothing I could do. I’d pass by a store window and all saw in the reflection was my belly and butt. It was depressing. Now I walk by those windows and look good. Toned. Like a handsome energetic young man.

Slimvance® naturally boosts your results so I didn’t have to starve myself. I ate cleaner. I was more active. But the boost from Slimvance® took my results from good to phenomenal! I didn’t hit plateaus I’ve hit before and just kept losing weight—incrementally but consistently. The old “can’t do” attitude is gone. I CAN change myself and I CAN change my life.

*A randomized clinical study of 140 healthy overweight people compared the use of Slimvance® in conjunction with an 1800 calorie diet and walking plan to a placebo with the same diet and walking plan. Those on Slimvance® lost almost 10 more pounds (-11.81 pounds versus -1.91 pounds), lost over an inch more around the hips (-1.76 inches vs. -0.48 inches), lost over an inch more around the waist (-2.12 inches versus -0.68 inches) and lost more percent body fat (-1.05% versus 0.71%) than the placebo group after 16 weeks.

† When used in conjunction with the Slimvance® diet and exercise program.

‡ Individual was remunerated. Results not typical. Typical Slimvance® users lost 5 more pounds and 1.03 more inches in their waist, and 0.99 more inches in their hips over 8 weeks compared to the placebo group. Both groups used an 1800 calorie diet and exercise plan.

**The Slimvance® clinical study did not reveal the mechanism of action of Slimvance®.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.